Image by nexus6 via Flickr
I do hope 2010 will be a better year for all of us, I know I really want it to...2009 wasn't such a bad year, but I hope for 2010 to be more dinamic and less...static, like 2009 was. I feel that some good days are ahead of me and I am almost giddy with anticipation.
To be a better and wiser person and to finish writing my book. That's it. I think it says everything. Oh, and maybe to spend less money on books and clothes for Maya.
Happy 2010 to you, too!
A very Happy new Year to you and your family. Thank you so much for your comment.
I look forward to reading more.
We wish you to have a very best, wonderful 2010 year!Happy New Year!
Lasă o parte din lumina artificiilor aprinse în noaptea Anului Nou să te lumineze. Fie ca anul care vine să fie pentru tine o punte spre ceva mai bun, mai luminos.
Anul Nou să-ţi dăruiască sănătate, pace în suflet şi prosperitate pentru tine şi familie.
Tot ce îţi este de folos să se realizeze şi nimic să nu-ţi înnoureze "cerul" senin al vieţii!
Have a Happy, Happy 2010!!
And a very Happy New Year to you as well!
I hope 2010 bringing you much joy, peace and happiness!
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