Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Curse of the Kindergarten (drama in two parts)

the saddest gazelleImage by harold.lloyd (won't somebody think of the bokeh?) via Flickr

What has happened with us this last couple of days?
Well, everything just unravelled gradually, like in a well orchestrated drama. It all started easily, as you'll see in...
Part One
After the visit to the neurologist, Maya returned to the kindergarten. Only for a few hours every day, because I didn't intend for her to go full time, not this year.
I am still under the influence of the past events, so, we'll take it easy. On the other hand, it made me an ocean of good to have some "me" time, since I was 24/24 with my baby this past couple of months.

As a side-conflict, as have to say I still have problems sleeping, though, still having nightmares. Sometimes, I wake up at 3, 4 o'clock in the morning and I feel a panic attack creeping, trying to get to me and I have to fight it off...imagine, 3 o'clock in the morning, when one's deffences are so low, not fair at all.
And then events began to precipitate, as you'll see in...

Part Two
Today we was supposed to take Maya to a homeopat, for some imune system strengthening, but they called from the clinic that the doctor is sick, so they moved the appointment to next week.
And then, as to bring everything to an apocaliptic climax, Maya had diarheea and she threw up once...After only two days of kindergarten...I don't know, maybe that place is cursed or something. During the time she was at home with me after being hospitalized she wasn't sick even for a day, half a day, whatever. And it is not as if I kept her under a glass bowl or something... I said to myself and my husband, if this vomiting - shitting thing doesn't go away and she won't get better, we' re finished with kindergarten for this year. It is unhuman what is happening to her. Tomorow they are supposed to dress up and have a party at the kindergarten because it is Purim. And she's staying at home. Again. My poor baby...

I don't believe it, I really don't...Well, at least I had my few hours of freedom...
Why does everything have to be a bloody fight these days?

What is wrong and why? Am I doing something wrong? Is this system faulty?

Too many questions and I have a killer of a headache. Maya is sleeping now, sweet baby. I am so sad, her pretty Snow White costume hangs in our bedroom...Oh, never mind. I hope she'll be better in a couple of days and then I'll take her shopping dressed in her costume, and we'' have fun and...God, help us, please!

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Quixotic said...

Oh, poor Maya (and you!). Yes, unfortunately the curse of kindy is that there is always a bug or cold or sniffle doing the rounds. My daughter started kindy at 18mths for 2 days/week and it felt like she had a cold every month!! They say they get better after roughly 6 months, and don't pick up every germ going through the place, and that was certainly truie for us, GG's immune system is firing on all cylinders and she rarely gets sick.

Geanina Codita said...

Vreau să treci mai repede de aceste incertitudini.

Zâmbetul să înflorească pe buzele tale pentru totdeauna.

Vâ îmbrăţişez strâns!

VKT said...

I am going to keep you in my prayers. Can I do anything for you? Give you some ideas of activities for home? I have taught kindergarten for 34 years.

Beth Chapman said...

Maya you and your family are in my thoughts. You are not alone, please continue to reach out.