Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bedtime Stories - Maya's Version

Little Red Riding Hood, illustrated in a 1927 ...Image via Wikipedia

What can I say? Everything I am experiencing while raising Maya is absolutely different from what it was with my boy, 20 years ago. This comes, I think, first of all because they are very different - character and personality wise and also because, well, the world has been changing since the nineteen-nineties...
For example, whenever I am telling Maya a bedtime story she interrupts me all the time, adding her own commentaries and opinions about whatever happens in the story. It is very frustrating as it takes ages until I am able to finish the story...Yesterday evening, for example, I was telling her "Little Red Riding Hood" and actually she was unsually quiet until the Granny and Wolf scene.

Me: And the wolf jumped on the bed and swallowed grandma...
Maya: No, mummy, the wolf couldn't jump on the bed, he would've break it.
Another scene:
Me: And the wolf lied on the bed...
Maya: No, mummy, the bed was too small for the wolf.

Etc etc...
In the end:
Maya: I liked better the one where Granny is skying and bunjee-jumping...(we watched Hoodwinked yesterday and she liked it a lot).
Humpf...21st century kids...
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