Saturday, March 6, 2010

Soul Saturday

This Saturday I've decided we had to get out! Out of the house, out of the city. The weather was good (not too hot, not too cold) so off we went, to spend a few hours with Mother Nature.
Our first stop was the Latrun Monastery. I am not going to bother you with the monastery's history and stuff, if you want to know about the monastery, just click the Wikipedia link, there is a very comprehensive article there. Some ten years ago, when I first visited Latrun I loved it because it was so quiet, so far from the noise of the city and the real life. Nowadays, the monastery has become a tourist attaction, as the monks make their own wine and olive oil. Every Saturday the place is so full that you can hardly park your car.
But, irrespective of this inconvenient, I was able to attend the last ten minutes or so of the mass and it was enough...The monks sing beautifully and I like to sit in the modest church and to face the statue of Virgin Mary, saying a prayer, being with myself and the Allmighty for a while. I like that my husband respects my faith and so he took Maya for a walk and I was able to focus on replenishing my spiritual batteries...And it felt so good!
Then, we went for a walk in the nearby Canada Forest and we had a great time, looking for flowers and studying the bugs, gathering branches and smelling the flowers. The air was filled with the perfume of the sun heated grass and I was able to block the man-produced noise and just fill my lungs and heart with the spirit of nature.
It was bliss and I returned home revigorated and happy. Maya was so tired she even napped for a short while in the car (something that happens only once in a blue moon with my Duracell baby-girl).
And now I will leave in the company of Paulo Coelho's wisdom. Check this out:

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Sari said...

Oh that sounds so peaceful and beautiful... so glad that you were able to recharge and fill your "reservoir" with strength and His word. It makes all the difference! Beautiful pictures - and Maya, she is such a beautiful angel.

Have missed you friend. Really glad to catch up on your happenings :)

Have a wonderful day ahead.

Geanina Codita said...

Ascunde-n sufletul gingaş un univers plin de comori,
Din ochii mari poţi să culegi priviri prinse-n buchet de flori,
Cu multă linişte şi calm pe buze grafiaz-un zâmbet,
Iar glasul său armonizează blând vibraţiile unui cântec.
La tâmplele fierbinţi ea poartă doar amintiri din flori de gânduri,
Cu mâna fragedă le-aşează într-un album cu foi prinse în riduri,
La gâtul diafan cristalele de rouă stau prinse-n colier,
Pe umerii rotunzi timpul aşterne poveste de iubire şi mister.
Îmbracă astăzi rochie din verde crud de iarbă,
Privire de bărbat puţin iscoditoare trece şi se întreabă,
Cine-i această lume discretă , virtute-ncântătoare?
Este FEMEIA,MAMA, IUBITA ce azi e-n sărbătoare.
Gânduri sublime îţi trimit pictate-n fluturi diafani,
Să fii iubită, să-nfloreşti şi un suav, LA MULŢI ANI!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time! I am happy for you ; )