Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Rainy Day and My Snow White

They say it usually rains on Purim, but this year...we had heavy rains, thunderstorms, wind, hail, grey skies and a very unsettled sea. So, we stayed at home and had our own Purim festivities instead. Maya was gorgeous in her Snow White costume. She was very busy bulding her own castle, as every princess should have one.

Then, she felt a bit peckish because of all the hard work, so daddy had to feed her some spaghetti and cheese. In the end, a bit of playing on daddy's laptop...
It was nice to stay at home, for once. My husband had the day off and so did my son. So we just played, watched some TV, was really nice, we should do it more often.


Unknown said...

Bah, rain. So much about sitting in the courtyard with my pálinka... At least the neighborhood parade wasn't completely canceled, but was banished to the sports hall kinda place. (No idea what it really was. Didn't even know there was this building. Heck, I never even noticed the street it was on!)

Good to hear you had a relaxing day!

Quixotic said...

Oh, Maya looks so cute as Snow White! And she has hair just like my Gorgeous Gal's!! So beautiful.

Geanina Codita said...

Au vechime mare de 8000 de ani,
sub formă de pietre, zodii chiar şi bani,
Prinse strâns în şnur ce-mpletea blând
focul şi înţelepciunea,
Fetele-l prindeau în păr de-nflorea natura.
Din bătrâni putem afla despre mărţişor,
Despre tot ce-nseamnă el pentru popor,
El aduce fericire dar şi mult noroc,
Iarna-i simbol pentru alb,
Roşul pentru primăvara ce-ndeamnă la joc.
Vă ofer şi eu în dar mărţişorul- zodie,
Tuturor ce-mi treceţi pragul prins cu fundă roşie...

Bogarantyú said...

What a beautiful Snow White you have! :)

Simcha said...

We also had a lot of rain on purim, which is quite unusual for us. But it didn't stop my husband and kids going house to house to deliver their mishloach manot, though it did mean my house was unpleasantly muddy. Maya looks beautify. My daughter dressed up like a bride, though her favorite part was getting to wear makeup. Hope you had a great Purim.