Monday, August 17, 2009

I Just...

Maya, my baby, is sick. Again. For two days she has had a high fever, we took her for blood tests, the doctor said is an infection and she put her on antibiotics... I hope to God the fever will subside because I cannot bear to see her like that, feverish, glassy eyes gleaming with a sort of artificial light, like a a lamp was turned on behind her eyelids...I cannot bear to hear her crying and tossing and turning in bed, I want to take on myself all her pain and suffering, and to see her sweet smile again.

It frustrates me to death that I cannot to much to confort her, and sometimes it is very difficult to make her understand that taking her dose of Nurofen will make her feel better. She hates to drink the sickly sweet syrup, but Nurofen syrop is the only medicine that thaes her fever down. We trid with supositories, but it vain. And now, we have to give her antibiotics also. She usually throws up if she doesn't want to take a medicine and we somehow, "convince" her...

I am sure I am to blame for her infection, as we took her last Friday to a public swimming pool (for the first time), where dozens of babies and toddlers were exchanging all kind of bodily fluids...

So now you'll understand why I don't write back e-mails, why I'm not in the mood for blogging or socialising on Facebook. I am so tired that I just want to crawl under a stone and cry myself to sleep.

4 comments: said...

It will be okay, just rest. Maya will be fine, some kids are just more susceptible to ear infections and that type of thing. It's not your fault! kids go to public pools all the time and don't get ill. Since Viruses usally take from 7-10 day to manifest into a cold or flu, it most likely was not the pool but something else.
Relax, she will be fine and so will you!
I know it is hard..I had three children it is hard not to be able to make them feel better, especially when they are so tiny they don't quite understand what is wrong with them...

Mesina said...

I hope Maya feels better soon! It's horrible when the kids are down with something, but they are the best little fighters ever. I am sure she will be fighting this fever and back to her old self in no time. Hang in there!

Unknown said...

I hope Maya is starting to feel better real soon!

Alone in Holy Land said...

Thank you guys for being with us! It was just horrific, Maya had a high fever for three days, and it didn't subside until we started her on antibiotics.
Thank God she is better now! I am so relieved to see her smileing and playing and even running! She's lost a lot of weight but I hope she'll put it back in no time!