Image by obo-bobolina via Flickr
This morning I went to the clinic to have some blood tests done. There were loads of people in the waiting room (what's new?) so I had to wait for a while. I didn't mind, that way I had the time to put my thoughts in order and to organize my day. Finally, when I got in, the assistant/nurse or whatever this person that takes blood is called "welcomed" me with such a sore face that I looked for the lemon.... Nevermind. A rough night, a sick baby, money problems. After she finished, extracting what it seemed like many litres of blood, I got up (a bit dizzy) said thank you, good bye and have a nice day and got out. She looked at me like I was some creature from the outer space...and...that was it...not a word, some gesture of acknowledging my existence.I know everybody has problems (wanna see my list?). But a smile didn't hurt anybody. A smile, a nice word, especially when you work in health care, for God's sake. Sometimes a smile can make such a difference to a sick person...
Well, I think that sometimes I want to much from people...I'll just drink my coffee and keep my mouth shut..
I thibnk the only medical personnel who smile are on TV.
I agree with you on that, Hevel!
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