Monday, July 6, 2009

Perfumes, Colors

Colours! / Couleurs!Image by Denis Collette...!!! via Flickr

Some time ago, in another life, I used to write. Poems, newspaper articles, a book. Yes, I did write a book. It is about Israel, about its past and present. I also published a book with poems, mainly about Israel.
Some time ago...
This is one of the poems that was published.

perfumes, colors...

that's all.
israel. here. inside me.
for ever

love. sprouting in my soul
as feeble blades of grass after the first rain of winter.

flowers. growing crazily
on the road's side
yellow, like the eyes of the judeean lion.

oranges. hidden in tress
and kibbutznicks
playing side and seek with them.


perfumes. colors. noises
the music
in mahane iehuda market in jerusalem
the beduins' white kaffiahs
the arabs' burning eyes
the smile of israeli kids.


jesus's grave
jordan's water
mount of olives
and the nice bus driver
that takes me to the sion gate

the sky. always blue
and an unexpected quick autumn rain.
the waves of the sea
a ship's long cry waiting to enter
the harbour.

hidden in a silvery shell

the fish market in jaffo
the greyish shinny bellies
of the fish tossing on the pavement.

the tower of a minaret
the mosque with its golden dome
the bones of some ancestors
Mount Hertzl
and the burning candles in Rabin Square.

the young dead
the old ones begging
at street corners - lonely trumpets

love. worthy more than twelve shekels

the silence growing on streets
the candels of Hanuka
the tents for Succot
the old rabbi
the prayer shawls over the eyes
that couldn't watch naked shoulders.

the wailing wall
carressing the corners of polished stones
by other caresses


the hot sand over the soul
during chamsin
the prayer in betlehem
rachel's tomb
the red thread worn to protect

where steps walk between past and present
people like statues
or the other way round

ethiopian jews
dark mosaics
sephards chanting in ladino
all the languages in this
babel tower of broken promises

the green leaves of trees
the fruit of the cacti
hard on the outside and soft - in.

on the crowded streets of tel aviv
lost between narrow alleys in mea shearim
floating on dead's sea salted water
drinking from a waterfall in ein ghedi
walking on the desert's red rocks
whispering a prayer at king david's tomb
wandering through the corals in eilat
crying, forgotten in a mezuza on the door's frame
lost in a verse from the bible.
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Maya / מיה said...

Beautiful! You capture the essence of this "mosaic of broken promises." I'd love to read more!

Alone in Holy Land said...

I intend, time permits, to translate a few poems and put them here, on the blog (I wrote them in Romanian, my native language). I also intend to translate chunks of my book (written also in Romanian)to put them on the wab. But this i s aserios project and I think I'll do it on a different blog.
The book is about Israel and it was published in Romania some 10 years ago. The title is "Between the Wailing Wall and the Central Bus Station".
Thank you for reading the poem and for leaving your comment.

Dina said...

Shalom from Jerusalem.
I'm glad Maya sent me here. Your poem is very touching. Wonderful images of things we often take for granted here.
We look forward to more.

the sabra said...


"people like statues
or the other way round"

and of course, the sabra line rocks ;)

(came from maya's hh)